Results for 'Thomas J. Burke'

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  1.  10
    Man and mind: a Christian theory of personality.Thomas J. Burke (ed.) - 1987 - Hillsdale, Mich.: Hillsdale College Press.
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  2. Dewey's New Logic: A Reply to Russell.Thomas Burke - 1994 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Although John Dewey is celebrated for his work in the philosophy of education and acknowledged as a leading proponent of American pragmatism, he might also have enjoyed more of a reputation for his philosophy of logic had Bertrand Russell not attacked him so fervently on the subject. In _Dewey's New Logic_, Tom Burke analyzes the debate between Russell and Dewey that followed the 1938 publication of Dewey's _Logic: The Theory of Inquiry_. Here, he argues that Russell failed to understand (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Edmund Burke[REVIEW]Peter J. Stanlis - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):671-673.
    For a hundred years up to the middle of the twentieth century, when utilitarianism, empiricism, and logical positivism ruled over studies of Burke, and the great authorities on his thought and politics were Henry T. Buckle, John Morley, Sir Leslie Stephen, Charles E. Vaughan, John MacCunn, Elie Halévy, and George Sabine, it was unthinkable to approach Burke as anything but a secular Whig politician, a mere political party activist with great literary skills. Burke's statement that the true (...)
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    Book Review: Eighteenth-Century Hermeneutics: Philosophy of Interpretation in England from Locke to Burke[REVIEW]Paul J. Korshin - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):365-367.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Eighteenth-Century Hermeneutics: Philosophy of Interpretation in England from Locke to BurkePaul J. KorshinEighteenth-Century Hermeneutics: Philosophy of Interpretation in England from Locke to Burke, by Joel Weinsheimer; xiii & 275 pp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993, $30.00.Hermeneutics has until the present study had little application to eighteenth-century England. The omission is curious for, although there were few advances in biblical scholarship during the Restoration and eighteenth century, (...)
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    A determination of the elastic energy of dislocation loops from coarsening kinetics.J. Powell & J. Burke - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (4):943-951.
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    Why the nuclear option? Supporting pregnant women without new categories of moral status.J. Burke Rea - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (1):20-21.
    Recourse to a being’s moral status is the ‘nuclear option’ of moral theorising—it tells us not only what obligations we have and to what degree, but whether we have obligations to them in the first place and whether their moral concern trumps concern for other beings simply in virtue of the kind of being they are. As such, we should only explain obligations in terms of a being’s moral status if doing so is principled and necessary to defend that obligation. (...)
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    Thomae Rhaedi Britanni... peruigilia metaphysica desideratissima.Thomas Rhaedus, M. J., Joachimus Moersius & Johann Hallervord - 1616 - Prostant Apud Joannem Hallervordeum ..
  8.  13
    Thomistic Pride and Liberal Vice.Paul J. Weithman - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (2):241-274.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THOMISTIC PRIDE AND LIBERAL VICE 1 PAUL J. WEITHMAN University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana L IBERALISM IS often portrayed, and sometimes portrays itself, as a moral and political view that rejects the claims of tradition. Thus liberals characteristically claim that the traditional standing of a social arrangement contributes little or nothing to its political legitimacy. Whether an arrangement is legitimate depends upon whether or not those who (...)
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    The Sources of "The Book of the Duchess".J. Burke Severs - 1963 - Mediaeval Studies 25 (1):355-362.
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    Using Social Psychology to Explain Stakeholder Reactions to an Organization's Social Performance.Thomas J. Zagenczyk - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (1):97-101.
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    (1 other version)Praxis and labor in jürgen Habermas.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1979 - Studies in East European Thought 20 (3):291-294.
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    Sein als Text: vom Textmodell als Martin Heideggers Denkmodell: eine funktionalistische Interpretation.Thomas J. Wilson - 1981 - München: Alber.
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  13. Antiquity and the middle ages.Thomas J. Mathiesen - 2011 - In Theodore Gracyk & Andrew Kania, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music. New York: Routledge. pp. 257.
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    1776 and the New Radicalism.Thomas J. Osborne - 1973 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 48 (1):19-32.
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    Parmenides Fragment 8. 4: a Correction.Thomas J. Reilly - 1976 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 58 (1):57.
  16.  51
    Identity Theory.Peter J. Burke & Jan E. Stets - 2009 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The concept of identity has become widespread within the social and behavioral sciences in recent years, cutting across disciplines from psychiatry and psychology to political science and sociology. All individuals claim particular identities given their roles in society, groups they belong to, and characteristics that describe themselves. Introduced almost 30 years ago, identity theory is a social psychological theory that attempts to understand identities, their sources in interaction and society, their processes of operation, and their consequences for interaction and society (...)
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    John Gower's Use of Ovid in Book III of the Confessio Amantis.Thomas J. Hatton - 1987 - Mediaevalia 13:257-274.
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    Ethical theories in conflict.Thomas J. Higgins - 1967 - Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co..
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    The Foundation and Limits of Authority.Thomas J. Higgins - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 9:170-176.
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    Xenelasia and Social Control in Classical Sparta.Thomas J. Figueira - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53 (1):44-74.
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    (1 other version)The logic ofcapital: Some recent analyses.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1976 - Studies in East European Thought 16 (3-4):281-288.
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    Metaphysical Accounts of the Zygote as a Person and the Veto Power of Facts.Thomas J. Bole - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (6):647-653.
    That the soul of a human person is infused at conception is a metaphysical claim. But given its traditional articulation, it has the empirical consequence that the zygote must have a substantial continuity with the adult person, a continuity which is already determined at conception. This empirical consequence is contradicted by the fact that the zygote may become a hydatidiform mole, or several persons. The metaphysical claim is falsified by the facts. Keywords: abortion, information capacity, metaphysical account, person, zygote CiteULike (...)
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    Spirituality for Peacemaking in Our Time.Thomas J. Gumbleton - 2004 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 1 (1):103-116.
  24. Compulsory Christianity.J. M. Lloyd Thomas - 1943 - Hibbert Journal 42:220.
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    Religious Language as Symbolism.J. Heywood Thomas - 1965 - Religious Studies 1 (1):89 - 93.
    The one clear insight which can be gleaned from the discussions of religious language by both theologians and philosophers is that its reference is to the transcendent. This is almost axiomatic in Philosophy of Religion nowadays, and we feel that the remarks of Milton's archangel to the first man are most appropriate when he insists that all the conceptions we have of God or of the spiritual world are but inadequate symbols. Though this view has a long history, it does (...)
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    (1 other version)Discussions.Thomas J. Blakeley, M. C. Chapman & Paul Zancanaro - 1982 - Studies in East European Thought 24 (4):277-294.
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    Open questions in contemporary Soviet epistemology.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1966 - Studies in Soviet Thought 6 (3):185-189.
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    Some recent works on marxist thought.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1970 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):95-101.
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    (1 other version)Soviet writings on atheism and religion.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1964 - Studies in East European Thought 4 (4):319-338.
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    The development of learning and memory in Aplysia.Thomas J. Carew, Emilie A. Marcus, Thomas G. Nolen, Catharine H. Rankin & Mark Stopfer - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch, Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press.
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    10 Private authority as global governance.Thomas J. Biersteker & Rodney Bruce Hall - 2002 - In Rodney Bruce Hall & Thomas J. Biersteker, The emergence of private authority in global governance. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 203.
  32. Soviet Theory of Knowledge.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1964 - Studies in Soviet Thought 5 (1):93-93.
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    Gadamer: A Philosophical Portrait. By Donatella DiCesare, translated by Niall Keane. [REVIEW]S. Mark J. Burke - 2014 - International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (4):461-462.
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  34. A Reconsideration of an Argument against Compatibilism.Thomas J. McKay & David Johnson - 1996 - Philosophical Topics 24 (2):113-122.
  35. Wilmot S, The ethics of community care.J. Thomas - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4:529-529.
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    About the Editors and.Thomas J. Figueira & Benjamin R. Foster - 1995 - In K. D. Irani & Morris Silver, Social justice in the ancient world. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 221.
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  37. The “original form” of sein und zeit: Heldegger's der bergriff der zeit (1924).Thomas J. Sheehan - 1979 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 10 (2).
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    Bonaventure.Thomas J. McKenna - 2022 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Bonaventure Bonaventure was a philosopher, a theologian, a prolific author of spiritual treatises, an influential prelate of the Medieval Church, the Minister General of the Franciscan Order, and, later in his life, a Cardinal. He has often been placed in the Augustinian tradition in opposition to the work of his peer, Thomas … Continue reading Bonaventure →.
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    Children’s Emotional and Behavioral Problems and Their Mothers’ Labor Supply.Richard Patrick, J. Gaskin Darrell, K. Alexandre Pierre, S. Burke Laura & Younis Mustafa - 2014 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 51:004695801455794.
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    Aenigma Omnibus? The Transatlantic Late Humanism of Zinzendorf and the Early Moravians.Thomas J. Keeline & Stuart M. McManus - 2019 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 82 (1):315-356.
    This article uncovers a hitherto underappreciated aspect of transatlantic cultural history: Moravian late humanism, and its relationship to contemporary intellectual currents in the Americas and the broader Republic of Letters in the age of Benjamin Franklin. To date, the Moravians have attracted the attention of scholars for their novel theological views on gender and sexuality, their unique approach to reconciling piety with profit, their missionary efforts among native populations, their musical culture and their rejection of slavery. Their interactions with the (...)
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  41. "Where nature will speak to them in sacred sounds" : music and transcendence in E.T.A. Hoffmann.Thomas J. Mulherin - 2015 - In Férdia J. Stone-Davis, Music and Transcendence. Ashgate. pp. 159-176.
  42.  19
    Tempered Strength: Studies in the Nature and Scope of Prudential Leadership.George Anastaplo, Ronald Beiner, Kenneth L. Deutsch, Ethan Fishman, Joseph R. Fornieri, Francis Fukuyama, Gary D. Glenn, Carnes Lord, Wynne Walker Moskop, Richard S. Ruderman & Peter J. Stanlis (eds.) - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    Moral leadership matters. As world politics enters a new and dangerous era, judgment, constancy, moral purpose, and a willingness to overcome partisan politicking are essential for America's leaders. Tempered Strength finds the alternative standard of leadership that Americans are seeking in the classical philosophy of prudence. Ethan Fishman's new work brings together leading American political scientists—including Ronald Beiner, Kenneth L. Deutsch, and George Anastaplo—to discuss the evolution of a standard of prudential leadership both reasonable in nature and practical in scope. (...)
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    Politics for a pilgrim church: a Thomistic theory of civic virtue.Thomas J. Bushlack - 2015 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    Presents an innovative, constructive alternative to Christian involvement in the "culture wars" Church leaders and scholars have long wrestled with what should provide a guiding vision for Christian engagement in culture and politics. In this book Thomas Bushlack argues that a retrieval of Thomas Aquinas's understanding of civic virtue provides important resources for guiding this engagement today. Bushlack suggests that Aquinas's vision of the pilgrim church provides a fitting model for seeking the earthly common good of the political (...)
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    The Influence of Inequality on Welfare Generosity: Evidence from the US States.Thomas J. Hayes & Lyle Scruggs - 2017 - Politics and Society 45 (1):35-66.
    This article examines the relationship between income concentration and policy outputs that determine the generosity of two major state-level safety net programs: unemployment insurance and cash social assistance. Using a difference in differences framework, it tests the degree to which the top 1 percent share is associated with benefit replacement rates for these programs during the period 1978–2010. The results suggest that higher state income inequality lowers those states’ welfare benefits significantly in ways consistent with a “plutocracy” hypothesis that has (...)
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    Libertarians and the Free Market.Thomas J. Herron - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (4):567-569.
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    Fertility differences in a modernising country: a survey of Lebanese couples.C. J. Thomas - 1963 - The Eugenics Review 54 (4):220.
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  47. The Pre-Objective Reconsidered.S. J. Thomas N. Munson - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (4):624-632.
    To this end, I propose to follow a somewhat unusual pattern, in that there will be no point-by-point consideration of issues raised by Taylor and Kullman. Instead, I intend to outline Merleau-Ponty's position on language, speech, and meaning as presented in the Phénoménologie de la Perception, and proceed from there to a discussion of the pre-objective.
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    Lowe and Baldwin on modalities.Thomas J. McKay - 1986 - Mind 95 (380):499-505.
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    Theories of Technological Change.Thomas J. Misa - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (4):312-312.
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    A Single-Boundary Accumulator Model of Response Times in an Addition Verification Task.Thomas J. Faulkenberry - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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